Optimal Static Content Subdomain Configuration

Table of ContentsConfigure DNS Records Create Subdomains/Vhosts Change Magento URLs Secure the vhost Strip Cookies From FilesUsing subdomains for serving static content on your store will improve both performance and cacheability of static assets. Making this change is very straightforward and can be completed in a few minutes. In this example, we'll assume the domain … Continue reading

Implementing CloudFlare/Incapsula

Table of ContentsCaveat emptorCloudFlare and Incapsula are a popular utilities for providing website secrecy, content delivery and DOS (denial of service) mitigation. MageStack natively supports these services, no server-side configuration is required to facilitate correct pass through of IP addresses. The server $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] is correctly maintained throughout all layers in MageStack (read more about server … Continue reading

Purging PageSpeed

Table of ContentsPurging Purge single URL Purge entire cache Multi web serverPageSpeed as a rule will maintain its own cache contents, updating the entries as necessary. As with any cache, it isn't recommended to manually clear the cache - as it will reduce its effectiveness. However, if you need to instantly clear the cache, it … Continue reading

Implementing Varnish on Magento 1

Table of ContentsIs Varnish right for you? Implementation Automated installerIs Varnish right for you? Varnish isn’t the be-all and end-all of Magento performance. Its great to offset load from bots & window-shoppers – but it shouldn’t be your first port of call to actually making your store faster. Implementing Varnish should be the last performance … Continue reading

Understanding cache flow when using PageSpeed and Varnish

Table of ContentsTraffic flow When Varnish is disabled and PageSpeed is enabled (and empty) When Varnish is enabled (and empty) and PageSpeed is enabled (and empty)On MageStack, when you change a file, it changes immediately. There are no disk caches, no PHP caches or file caches of any kind. If you create, or modify a … Continue reading

Optimal PageSpeed Configuration

Table of ContentsDisclaimer Configuration Magento 1 Magento 2 CDN Activation TroubleshootingDisclaimer Please note that we'd generally recommend using optimization techniques from Cloudflare (WebP image conversion for example) rather than Pagespeed, particularly so with Magento 2 stores. We've found that Pagespeed often creates unintended side effects, and is particularly problematic when using CDN providers like Cloudflare … Continue reading

Implementing Sphinx

Table of ContentsSphinx Configuration Details SphinxQL Configuration Details Sphinx configuration file locations Mirasvit Sphinx module Default Sphinx configuration Using Variables in Configuration fileMageStack natively supports Sphinx, though we would recommend Elasticsearch for most stores as it is more straightforward to configure and maintain. To configure Sphinx, you will need to: Enable Sphinx for the vhost … Continue reading

Using Google Pagespeed

MageStack offers native support for Google Pagespeed and it can be enabled with a simple addition to your ___general/example.conf configuration file. pagespeed on; After that, you can define any of the Pagespeed supported options, you can find a detailed list of those here and an optimised list here. As MageStack runs Nginx, you should use … Continue reading

Controlling Varnish cacheable content

Table of ContentsCustomising TTLs Examples Enable Varnish for dynamic content Enable Varnish for static content Enable Varnish for semi-static content Enable Varnish except for logged in WordPress users Enable Varnish except for WordPress admin Disable Varnish for a real PHP fileThere are three ways to prevent content being cached in Varnish. Add an explicit bypass … Continue reading

Implementing SOLR

Table of ContentsMagento Enterprise Magento Community Default configuration settings Configuration file locations Custom core namesThere is native support for SOLR on MageStack. But for it to function, we must first generate a SOLR core from your store configuration files. You can have as many SOLR instances/cores as you require, MageStack will provision a core per … Continue reading